星期二, 2月 15, 2011

One of those days..

Post CNY, cold, grimmy day... the heart kinda sunk with the atmosphere. Motivation have dropped with it, not good! Really need to find a way to reboot!

星期二, 2月 08, 2011

New year, new job!

Resumed work yesterday after CNY holiday, was captain-sloooowwww and mind was always somewhere else. Typical post-holiday symptom!

Anyway, spent yesterday to sort out the different kitchen types, provisions and hierarchy. Lots of brain-power consumed for a first day at office!

On holiday

Last year had been a really roller coaster ride, many ups and Downs.

Luckily things are getting clearer by the say and strategies are starting to emerge.

Let's hope this is the year to consolidate and expand!