星期二, 6月 29, 2010

Mystery man with an interesting life so far!

Let's recap... I'm writing this blog in English as for me it's way faster than Chinese, so that I don't have to mess with the grammer et al.

Lackey is a really interesting and adventurous person. His name first came across tonite when I was searching for Sealand.

Sealand is an interesting 'nation', it lets you pay your way to be a Lord if you want!

Just looked into the browser history and I remembered why I searched Sealand, it was because some incident involving pirate-bay and the 'nation'.

Ok, I found my path which led me to here!

It is Lackey that I wanted to write about, extremely interesting 20s he had. He reminded me of some really on-the-edge entrepreneur that should only exist in fictional world; definitely NOT for someone ordinary like me to ever meet.

I'll try and post up more information about him if and when I managed to dig up more from the internet, so far there were some milestones that I managed to:

- Dropped out of MIT due to finance
- Co-founded HavenCo Ltd with the 'Royal Family" of Sealand at Sealand in 2000, later left
- Employed to worked at Iraq to sell Satellite internet service setups and related
- Established BlueIraq to provide expertise and setup infrastructure for DoD and others
- Stationed at Dubai with business expanding to other US exploded/explored countries

Interesting facts:
- Go to meeting in bullet-proof gears
- doing 'drug deals' with DoD

If anyone reading this finds it interesting you should google it yourself, it's mind-blowing!

星期二, 6月 22, 2010

都開左個blog一排咧, 情況就同開始既時候冇咩分別, 不過就起碼定左個theadmill既rundown!

雖然未至於可以好regular咁做, 但起碼叫做真係開始左!


0-5mins: Warmup (3kph)
5-15mins: Walking (5.5kph)
15-17mins: REcover (3kph)
17-20mins: Bursting (6.5kph)
20-25mins: Walking (5.5kph)
25-28mins: Slowdown (3kph)
28-30mins: Cooldown (1.5kph)

努力吧! 車呔, 盡快死開吧!!
